Absences and General Information

Absences are done through the hero app.


Does Tauriko School sell stationery at school?

The only stationery that is sold at school is for New Entrant children. All other Year levels are purchased through Bay Office Products. A list of stationery requirements is published for parents at the beginning of the year. We advise parents to buy through Bay Office products due to the quality of the product and often other brands are not quite what teachers have requested for their students.

We review stationery lists every year and endeavour to keep costs down. The Principal has requested that this is looked at to cope for the first part of the year and then when items run out parents are informed to purchase further items. This means the outlay at the beginning of the year is as inexpensive as possible. 

If you enrol a child during the course of the year:

Does Tauriko School have a school uniform?

Yes, this is our 'sports uniform'.   If the students are going 'off-site' for any activity e.g sports, Technology classes, class trips, it is a requirement that the this official sports uniform is worn at these times.  If the student does not have a uniform to wear they are not permitted to go on the trip.


Can Tauriko School Uniforms be purchased at  the School?

Currently the school uniform is under review by our Head Students. This will mean a change in sports uniform for 2020. Uniforms can be purchased, but families need to be aware that these will be changed and grandfathered in.

We have a number of second hand uniforms that are available to purchase for trips off site in the interim also.

New uniforms are:

Polo shirts $38.00   Shorts $25.00

Polar Fleeces – these are no longer being sold.


Does Tauriko School operate an After School Care Programme?

No.  However, there is an 'independent' after school care Programme which operates at the school.  Please see www.schools-out.co.nz for further information.


What 'year' does Tauriko School go up to?

We are a 'full primary' therefore our classes go up to Year 8 (Intermediate Years 7 & 8).


What do I do if I have misplaced a school newsletter / class or syndicate notice?

Visit the school website – all newsletters / notices are uploaded directly to the website.  If these notices have a return slip on them, please print off and send into school with your child with all relevant information completed and money attached if requested.