
Kia ora koutou katoa, Talofa Lava, Malo e lelei, Ni Hao, Anyoung haseyo, Konichi wa, Guten tag, Gruetzi, Bonjour, Ola, hello

 Thank you for considering Tauriko School as your school of choice for your child.

Tauriko School operates an enrolment scheme. All children who live within the zone operated by this scheme are entitled to come to Tauriko School as of right. Enrolment forms for these students can be obtained from the school office.

Parents of students who live within the school's home zone and who intend to enrol their child(ren) at any time during 2024, should notify the school as soon as possible to assist the school to plan appropriately for 2024.

 Any children who do not live in this zone can pre-enrol to apply to be considered for a place the following term. If more students apply than there are out-of-zone places a ballot is held to determine which students are enrolled. Information about this process and how it works is on our website here. 

Parents of students turning five, who live in our home zone and intend enrolling their child at any time during 2024, should notify Andrea Walker in the school office as soon as possible to assist the school to plan appropriately for 2024.

 Andrea Walker:  office@tauriko.school.nz 

We look forward to receiving your enrolment application.

School Procedures:

"Tauriko School operates an enrolment scheme. It is required that this operates under all legal obligations of the Education Act and as per MOE guidelines. The Board’s direction is to operate this scheme in order that sufficient places are available for all in-zone students and the Board's annual planning is supported.

 “We ballot out-of-zone students to have no more than three classes of students at any one time in the school. The Principal makes decisions according to spaces available in NE to Year 6. When considering spaces in our Tall Poppies classrooms, only Year 7 students are balloted and only in Terms 2 – 4. ”(BOT meeting -  21 May 2020). 

The Principal is to look at known numbers for the following term and follow this direction when setting ballot numbers for that term. The Board makes this decision being aware that out-of-zone students do not attract property funding and the impact this could have on class numbers with the school’s classroom space being at a premium." 

All out-of-zone enrolment applications include evidence of genuine enrolment. These can include:

2024 Out-of-zone Enrolment Dates:    

Term 3 2024  

Thursday 9 May 2024, with ballot if needed Friday 10  May.

If spaces are not filled a further date will be held Thursday 20 June 2024, with ballot if needed Friday 21 June.

Term 4 2024  

Thursday 1 August 2024, with ballot if needed Friday 2 August.

If spaces are not filled a further date will be held Thursday 12 September 2024, with ballot if needed Friday 13 September.

Each term an application form will be on the website outlining the places available at the Year levels of the school where vacancies exist. The exact number of places available will depend on the number of applications received from students who live within the school's home zone and the Board's direction as per school procedures outlined above.