Message from the Principal

Nau mai,  Haere mai,  

Welcome to Tauriko School.

Kia ora koutou katoa

Ko Tarawera tōku maunga

Ko Okareka tōku roto

Ko Howrah me Blenheim nga waka

Ko Ngāti Pakeha te iwi

Ko ingarangi me Kotirana me Airana me Parani nga hapu

No Aotearoa tōku kainga inaianei

No Rotorua ahau, kei Tauranga Mōana ahau e noho ana inaianei

Ko Billington toku whanau

Ko Suzanne Billington toku ingoa

No reira, Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa

Tauriko School prides itself on being a school of choice for families who want to  to be part of a school with a long history of excellence in education and a focus on the future with Teaching and Learning programmes that deliver cutting edge, high quality learning for all students.

The school's essence statement "Learning . Leading . Succeeding" provides a core focus on developing young people who:

Tauriko School believes that student learning and achievement happen most successfully within a strong supportive partnership between home and school. "It takes a village to raise a child" and the school and its community are wrapped around each student to support their success.

Strong models for learning are modelled by school staff and parents/whanau. The school espouses a strong belief in its focus as a community of learners - student, staff and parents/whanau.

We all learn from each other, all of us are teachers and all of us are learners.

Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi engari he toa takimano

My strength is not the strength of one, it is the strength of many

We look forward to a wonderful relationship with 

your child and whanau.